Expressing gratitude and relief….someone showing or feeling gratitude.

Have I always been thankful, especially in having a special needs child?

The short answer … no. Am I thankful now? Unequivocally, yes. Let me explain. I was thrown into an irrevocable situation that changed my world and my family’ s world forever. I had never been so afraid in my life. The key word: “afraid.” You see, I didn’t know Jesus at the time in the way I now know Him. I was relying on myself and doctors, and that’s always going to leave a person inadequate.. The word of God tells us that apart from Him we can doing nothing and boy is that truth!

It was probably four years after my daughter Kristen’s episode took place.

Kristen ready for “Night to Shine”

Kristen was born normal but two months later experienced what is known as an interrupted sudden infant death. In a coma for ten days, she showed early signs of brain damage with little hope of survival. BUT GOD had another plan, which has taken us on an amazing journey. I say amazing because the goodness of God has never failed to amaze. First of all it brought me into a saving knowledge of my Savior. And everything stems from that happening as well as meeting The Holy Spirit.. I could stop right here and say that is enough, because when you have The Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit you have All you need to live a thankful life. Has there been heartbreak? Of course. Uncertainty? Absolutely. God being the loving Father that He is has brought me along in such a way that I can tell you I am very thankful for my girl. She’s my best friend, my traveling buddy, my confidante. I could go on and on.

It has been a growing process for sure. The Lord told me (in my spirit) to quit looking at her for what she isn’t and start seeing her for what she is. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same. The spirit of the special needs person is perfect. Sounds profound , but it’s nonetheless true.

I fully believe thankfulness and trust go hand in hand, and faith is the power source of both! Be encouraged my special needs parents , friends, and relatives. We can express thankfulness in every part of our daily lives.

And here we are 43 years later, still trusting and believing God . He has a good plan for each one of us!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17