A Special Purpose

The Sweetness of Teaching Your Child God’s Word- Angela Turner

There are so many things to learn In parenthood. It is a never ending educational process. My husband and I are both high school graduates and I have a Bachelors degree, yet we agree that our 24 year parenting experience has taught us more than any formal education ever could-- growing, connecting, communicating, building trust, meeting needs which vary from child to child. Emotional, physical, mental and spiritual needs can be so overwhelming for any dedicated mom or dad that takes on the responsibility of training them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

A Special Purpose

A Place to Belong- Chris Bailey

“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.” Proverbs 16:27 The Living Bible I am a husband and father of a daughter and son. Our family has always attended church. Both of our children were dedicated as babies. My wife Emily and I have always served in church and have always felt unconditional love from other church members.  My son Ethan was diagnosed with autism when he was three years old. Our church loved him the same as any other child, as if he were their own. This was all too easy because he is so handsome, has the gr

A Special Purpose

THANKFULNESS- Lynn K. Henderson

THANKFULNESS : Expressing gratitude and relief....someone showing or feeling gratitude. Have I always been thankful, especially in having a special needs child? The short answer ... no. Am I thankful now? Unequivocally, yes. Let me explain. I was thrown into an irrevocable situation that changed my world and my family’ s world forever. I had never been so afraid in my life. The key word: "afraid." You see, I didn’t know Jesus at the time in the way I now know Him. I was relying on myself and doctors, and that’s always going to leave a person inadequate.. The

A Special Purpose

Trick or Treat Can Be Sweet

Depending on the social level of your child, trick or treating can be a delight or a disaster. Over the years, I have learned to value trick or treating as a great time to establish personal skills and communication. Here are a few reasons why you want to go all in trick or treating this Halloween. High motivation- When candy and treats are at stake, most kids will give as much as they can to earn the prize. Repetition-It might not be perfect at the first house.  It will get a little better at each house you visit. By the end of the night you will have some success

A Special Purpose

Dads- Don Fyler

Twenty years ago we were getting ready to welcome our third son into our family. The days leading up to his arrival were filled with excitement and anticipation. We thought we were done having children but God had other plans for us. On the day of his arrival the excitement and joy quickly turned to surprise, sadness and fear. Fear of the future mainly. What had happened? Had we done something wrong? Not us!?  We were good born again, Holy Spirit filled, tithing Christians and I worked at a local church. I thought I failed in some way. As the leader of the house, I