A Special Purpose

A Dad on Special Assignment- Jeremy Warren

My name is Jeremy Warren. My wife Heidi and I have been married since 2003. We have five boys whose ages are 14, 12, 8, 5, and 2. Our family has a family mission statement, which sums up who we are: “Pursue God’s best through meaningful relationships, adventurous living, and intentional rest.”  We believe first and foremost that God is the creator and sustainer of life and everything we do should be for the purpose of glorifying Him and the life in which we have been given both in the exciting times and the

A Special Purpose

Author Mindy Cariker Wiggins

This story isn’t about me.  It isn’t even about my children.   This story is about God being who He says He is and doing what He says He will do. When I was eleven, my mother went to bed one day and didn’t get up again for five years.  No one could figure out what was wrong.  She saw specialist after specialist.  She tried diets and supplements.  She was seriously ill, and there seemed to be nothing we could do. I began to read medical journals to see if there was something I could find to help her.  I became obsessed with findin

A Special Purpose

Here on Purpose – Maggie Bond

I just have to say. I know I’m in this photo, but I still can’t believe my mom carried all of us at the same time. And now we hear stories of moms having nine babies all at once and it just blows my mind! But our story isn’t just happenstance. It’s a miracle wrapped in faith, carried with diligence, and so much love. The day my mom found out she was having quadruplets (or really quintuplets but one of the babies miscarried early) was the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing—April 19, 1995. Not really a day you want to get the best news of your life on the worst d

A Special Purpose

Horses that Heal- Christi Ng

I grew up riding horses as soon as I could walk. My grandparents put me in riding lessons when I was six years old and I began show jumping at a young age. My grandparents owned racehorses so I grew up on the racetrack. When my grandparents passed away, I inherited their horses. I was probably nine years old at that time. From then on, I just had to learn the ropes on my own.  No one else in my family knew about horses or had a passion about them like I did. When I got into high school I began teaching lessons to kids around my neighborhood and family 

A Special Purpose

Gretchen Takes the Stage

The first time I met Gretchen was Easter weekend three years ago. I was at the desk in the front entrance when an almost four-year-old Gretchen, gaining strength to walk, came right into our facility. She flashed her big smile and greeted me for the first time. Her father followed and I struck up a conversation with him. They were visiting and Gretchen needed a sensory break from the Easter production, so they came out for a walk. We had just launched a special needs ministry for children one week earlier. Gretchen seemed right at home as she watched the fish swim in the l